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Hands on manual physical therapy in the privacy and convenience of your home.

Posts filed under: Physical Therapy

 Fascia (also known as connective tissue) surrounds all areas of the body.  It is under the skin, surrounds organs, around and between muscles, attaches into and goes through bones.  For the longest time, we as clinicians did not know what...
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A new study published in the April 2017 “Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)” shows that receiving spinal manipulation can decrease acute low back pain, improve functioning, and is just as effective as taking a Non Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug...
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 Many people with back and neck pain are often referred for x-rays and MRI’s.  As per those findings, many patients are diagnosed with having a bulging or herniated disc as the source of their pain. However, is this really the...
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Not all low back pain is the same.  There are many different    conditions that cause low back pain.  Therefore, the treatment for each is different.  Treatment approaches and exercises that are good for one condition are contraindicated, or at...
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 A new study published in the Journal Of Bone And Joint Surgery   shows that as few as 1 to 2 “Pre” surgical physical therapy visits reduced the amount of “Post” surgical care by 29%.  This translated into a savings of...
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When people think of exercise, the image is of going to     the gym, lifting weights and working the body to fatigue.   And when someone has an injury, or is recuperating  from surgery,  it seems counter intuitive to...
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